Vehicle Tracking and Telematics

Surerity Account Registration And Initial Setup


To use the Surerity tracking system, you will need to register an account and set up your device(s). The application runs on most modern browsers, preferably on a laptop or workstation, although you can also use it on a smartphone or tablet with a decent-sized screen.

We are working on implementing an Android app, and later on will also introduce an IoS (Apple) app.

You can register yourself, or use our Contacts page (menu above) for us to assist you.

Registering an account

Configuring your account

Setting up your account configures system defaults to your requirements. Note that many of these defaults can be overriden at the Group, User and Device level.

At top right, click on the settings drop-down ‘cog’ icon, and select ‘Account’.

Note that if you do not change or add any details to the Account, you will inherit the Surerity system defaults

Adding your first device

At the top left of the page, click the Devices ‘+’ button, and enter the necessary information.